Kilter AX-1
The next generation of ultra high precision weeding.
Every year we spray an insane amount of herbicides on to our fields (+20 million liter in Europe according to EU). These substances are more or less harmful to humans, nature, waterways and in the end, we risk that they end up in our food. With AX-1 you can use bio-herbicides and reduce consumption drastically!
Are you ready for this technology? Order your AX-1 below!

Better for you
We know the feeling when you sit in the tractor and spray a mist of chemicals out in the air. No matter how good filter your tractor cabin has, the mind starts tinkering about the long term consequences of breathing in this environment and how you are exposing your neighbor. We have minimized the drift and the operation is autonomous, so you don’t have to deal with such kind of health concerns anymore.
Consumer in focus
The trend amongst the consumers is that they more and more choose organic products. Consumer surveys show that the main arguments for choosing organic products is that they are produced with a very restricted use of herbicides and is produced using better environmental practice. AX-1 use less herbicide and don’t place herbicide on the product. We believe that this concept gives better products, less environmental impact at the same time as it is a scalable solution. In other words, Systems in balance.
Increase your yield
With Kilter you don’t stun your valuable crop with herbicides. Your plants can thrive without setback from metabolizing issues and weed pressure. Our research shows that these effects can boost your yield with up to 35 %. That might be something to chew on..
Reduce herbicide use
When we spray with AX-1 we take a picture of the crop, analyze the picture and apply a micro droplet of pelargonic acid on to the weeds. A typical weed pressure is appx 5%, meaning you can reduce the amount with up to 95%! When the agent is also biological, then we start to talk..
Time is money
We understand that every farm has different needs and different practice. The variety of crops, land, climate, and size means that the hours you put into weeding is different than your neighbor. By adapting Kilter technology, we cannot guarantee such and such reduction in hours. However, we can guarantee that the more manual labor you have in your weeding operation today, the more time can be used to do other tasks at your farm.
Modulated system to fit your needs
The robot is based on a modular design with a robust but light weight frame. This means that the robot can be tailor made to fit to your normal operation. Together we specify how your robot will be produced.
Brand new application method
A brand new application method that combines artificial intelligence and new nozzle technology. AX-1 aims droplets of herbicide only on the weeds, with a resolution of 6x6mm. The selectivity is moved from the herbicide to the computer. This is a change of paradigm and enables the use of novel, environmental friendly herbicides.
Kilter can recognize weeds in your vegetable crops. We can currently handle carrots, parsley root, spinach, radish, rocket, baby leaves and celeriac and we are working with more cultures. Please contact us if your crop is not listed. Maybe it is in the pipeline.
AX-1 is autonomous, meaning you can spend time elsewhere than on your tractor.
Low weight